There are various theories as to why Jesus cursed the fig tree. One is that it wasn’t producing figs, which made him angry. Another is that He was displaying authority. He spoke, twenty-four hours later the tree died, and all the disciples marveled. But I have always wondered why Jesus exhibited such wrath against a tree. This seems very out of character for Him, particularly since figs were out of season, making this action even more perplexing.
When Adam and Eve sinned, their next move was to reach for fig leaves to cover their shame. When God asked, “Who told you you were naked?” the blame game started. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake, and we’ve all been trying to cover our au naturale selves since.
But what if Jesus cursed the fig tree not because He was hungry and it had no fruit, but because of what it represented? Man’s attempt to hide his sin. What if Jesus cursed the tree because man’s way of fixing a problem is not God’s way? Man’s way is to COVER sin. God’s way is to CLEANSE it. What if the tree represents our attempts to hide our sin behind the figs of religion, logic, works, wokeism, or intellectualism? This makes more sense to me. I believe when Jesus looked at that tree, it reminded Him of the source that caused God’s creation to fall. A creation that his Father deeply, utterly, and unconditionally loves.
I can’t imagine Jesus was angry at a figless shrub or trying to make a point to the disciples. They had already experienced firsthand the power of His words. He spoke and the sick got well and the dead were raised. His words multiplied a two-piece fish dinner into a banquet for thousands.
I believe He was speaking on behalf of the Father. Jesus wasn’t angry at a tree, but rather, the viper who slithered out of it. The fig tree was a vivid reminder of the gravity of what happened that fateful day in a garden far, far away. And He had a visceral reaction.
Lord help us like Jesus, curse evil when we see. it. Help us…stop hiding behind our fig leaves.