April 23, 2015

The Lord’s Radical Prayer

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Prayer.  For me, trying to find the sweet spot or purpose has been challenging at times. Petitioning the Almighty to heal Tom’s cancer, meet Dick’s rent, or save Harry’s wayward child seems slightly presumptuous. If God of his own volition isn’t inclined to intervene,  will my intercession compel Him to move?   And what if there is some ethereal lesson they are to learn? Do I dare disrupt divine providence? Conversely, if healing or rent is contingent upon my devotional deposits and I fail to pray, will they suffer due to my dereliction? What if I get busy or go on vacation?  Does my distraction tie God’s hands?

The answer of course – is no. God’s hands are not bound by our actions. They are however, bound by our beliefs.    Often we wrestle with believing our prayers are effective.  I think we struggle for a simple reason. We are conflicted about God’s will. And – we are unsure about the role prayer plays in His will.

We aren’t alone. Luke 11 records the disciples struggle with knowing how and what to pray as well. Jesus’ response is interesting. He tells them: Watch the Father. Pray for His perspective and will to manifest. Ask for what you need. Request help to forgive and strength to avoid temptation. Simple. Concise. Radical.

The Lord did not instruct them to pray for Tom, Dick or Harry. Jesus encouraged his disciples to pray for elevated (kingdom) understanding. He knew if they did,  they would begin to think like God thinks. God’s will is wholeness, provision, restoration.  God’s will is God’s Word – perpetually and eternally.  If you are one who believes that God brings catastrophe, loss or disease as a method of illumination or faith enhancement, I invite you to revisit the gospels. Jesus never used tragedy to teach.  Instead,  he turned tragedy to triumph.

In Acts 3, Peter and John were approached by a crippled beggar at a Beautiful gate. Peter beholding him said, “I don’t have any money but what I do have I will give you. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise and walk.”  Put in modern vernacular – “I don’t have any cash but I can assure you of God’s will Mr. Beggar.  His will is that you walk again.   His will is that you regain your dignity and standing in the community. His will is that you have a whole and productive life.”  The beggar was instantly healed.  I have often considered that if Peter and John had given him what he asked for which was money, he would have remained a cripple with a few bucks in his pocket. Because they knew the Father’s will in earth as in heaven…. they didn’t give him what he asked for. They gave him what they had.    Revelation knowledge of Jehovah Rophe – Christ the healer.

Jesus never prayed (or plead) with the Father to heal, meet a need or change a circumstance in scripture. Even when raising the dead or multiplying fish, He simply spoke – in very few words. Be healed. Rise up. Multiply. Come forth. Be Loosed. Jesus didn’t pray flowery invocations because he didn’t have to. He knew His Father’s will. I suspect when we are as persuaded of the Father’s will as he was,  we will experience commensurate results.

So why pray? Because He told us to. Because it transports us into His presence.  We have made prayer something God never intended it to be. Work. But consider this. Adam and Eve met with God in the cool of the day and they had no needs. They didn’t have a Tom, Dick or Harry. They didn’t have famines, wars, or the homeless to pray for. They simply communed with God. Talked with Him. Enjoyed His company.  No repetitious requests. No informing Him of the dire condition of the world.  No drama.  Just Him.

These days, my prayers are simple. Thy will be done. In the earth and in me.  I have peace the lost will be found. The sick will be healed. The poor will have their needs met. The rejected, angry and broken will be embraced, comforted and restored. His WAY in heaven is His WILL in earth. There is no sorrow in heaven. No poverty. No cancer. No terrorists. No racism, fear, rejection, dysfunction or dissension.

I personalized The Lord’s Prayer.  It serves to remind me of His vastness…. and my dependence.  When praying for others I insert their name.

Father – You are holy.

I pray your kingdom come,

your will be done, in me

and in the earth, as in heaven.

Give me for today what I need,

and help me to forgive those who have hurt,

offended, disappointed or misled me in some way.

As I am forgiven for hurting, offending,

disappointing or misleading others.

Help me to resist the enemies taunting,

and thwart his plans and schemes for my destruction.

For YOU are the kingdom, YOU are the power and

YOU are the glory – forever. Amen.

Simple.  Concise.  Radical.