A while back I read an article by a noted author in a christian publication. He was disappointed with the results of a presidential election and wrote… “the corruption of the American soul and lukewarm church will be fully exposed for what it is – rotten to the core. Conservative supporters, you will now get what you clamored for, just like the children of Israel who clamored for their meat in the wilderness as the Lord gave them abundance of quail. Yet while the meat was between their teeth, a plague struck the nation. While many celebrate the apparent victory of their amoral candidate, the darkness grows and moves in yet closer.”
Whoa… Rotten to the core? Quail clamoring? Plagues and darkness impending? I get his letdown, but his verbiage is a blatant example of why christians often struggle to have positive cultural or societal influence.
While entitled to his opinion, referencing scripture to validate his position distorts his point and compromises his Bible. Joel Osteen gets flack because he leads a mega church and owns a large home. To his credit, he hasn’t taken a salary in years, but earned his wealth writing best selling books. More power to him. For me, much more offensive are those who profess to be spokesmen for God, but condemn others simply because they hold a contrasting perspective.
In his day, Jesus referred to these leaders as white washed tombstones full of dead men’s bones. In fact, Jesus was quite the name caller. He referred to Herod as a snake and the Pharisees as a brood of vipers. But He could because he knew their motives and hearts. Unlike the author of this article who knows neither the motive or heart of the candidate he slanders.
To be clear, professing christians who lie, steal, cheat, divorce, abort and all the rest give the brand a bad name. The best of christians fall into sin, but most don’t make a practice of living there. If so they may be many things but true followers of Christ they are not, regardless of how many scriptures they can quote. Conversely, those professing to know the truth but use threatening words like plagues and judgment equally err. According to this critic, we the people are doomed because a political figure doesn’t rise to the level of this writer’s moral high ground. Thankfully another writer by the name of Paul, assures all judgment was placed upon Jesus at the Cross, so the candidate in question will probably make the grace cut.
He continues, “Just as with the last two elections, the church could have turned the tide at the political level, God gave us this opportunity, but we blew it again. We are so divided in our discernment and righteousness.” The church failed to turn the political tide and we blew it again?
Respectfully, the church can’t come into agreement on whether baptism involves dipping, dunking or sprinkling. Are we really so pompous as to believe an affiliation, secular or religious can rightly discern the best course for this nation? If so – then woe are we. And with regards to our righteousness? Scripture refers to it as filthy rags – as in a menstrual pad. No kidding. There is but One who is righteous and it ain’t us. Or our candidates.
2 Chronicles 7 assures: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country.” Simply put, if we will ask, stop walking about in our blind arrogance and listen, we will vote as He wills and it will change the course of this nation. He will heal the country if We The People do as He instructs. This or any other election isn’t about a person. It isn’t about conservatism, socialism or liberalism. Only He knows what our nation needs and if we ask, we will be answered on who is best equipped to lead. Be prepared. It may require voting outside your comfort zone, but the upside? When we do our part – pray and listen, He will do His – heal our land. Then… and only then… will the tide turn.